Our knowledge and our passion joined to offer you the best service.

Sanbiotec emerged in 2018 with the idea of developing a method to evaluate racing performance of Purebred Arabian horses. Then, several projects have strengthened the business plan of Sanbiotec. Currently, we offer several genetic testing, a wide range of microbiology and molecular biology services, assistance in the formation organisation of consortia for national or international projects, etc. Supported by the collaboration with prestigious universities and research centres, Sanbiotec has succeeded in taking its place in the world of biotechnology with its contribution to several innovative national and international projects (Spain, France, Romania, Madagascar, etc.).

We have high-quality facilities and equipment.

Laboratorio Sanbiotec
Laboratorio Sanbiotec
Laboratorio Sanbiotec
Laboratorio Sanbiotec


Sanbiotec con la UGR
Sanbiotec con Inoxpharma
Sanbiotec con Fidesol
Sanbiotec con EEZ
Sanbiotec con Innoplant
Sanbiotec con el CSIC
Sanbiotec con Teresa Díaz
Sanbiotec con Cultiply
Sanbiotec con Agriaf
Sanbiotec con Agriaf
Sanbiotec con Agriaf

Our management team

Sandy Fillet

Sandy Fillet

Doctor in Microbiology and Biotechnology (European mention, highest distinction), Molecular Biology expert. Master in Microbiology and Biotechnology (University of Marseille, France). Master in Research and Advances in Microbiology (University of Granada, Spain). Six-month research stay at the Centre for Structural Biology at the Imperal College, London (EMBO grant). More than five years experience as main researcher in several projects in a biotechnology company in Granada.

Author of more than fifteen articles in scientific journals (PNAS, Genes Dev, Appl. Micriobiol. Biotechnol., PLoS One, etc ...) and three national and international industrial patents. She has participated in several projects financed by national and international funds. Her passion for biotechnology makes her a multidisciplinary expert. Through several years working in public research organizations and private companies, in France, England and Spain, she has acquired a perfect vision of research and innovation as a whole. She encourages collaborative research and wants to contribute to fill the gap between basic research and technological application.

Jorge Buj

Jorge Buj

co-founder and commercial director of Sanbiotec.

Specialist in commercial advice and customer service since 2007.

Outgoing, empathetic and animal lover.

In the press:

Genetic testing of the Purebred Arabian racehorses: published in the news-letter and in the May-June 2020 edition of the magazine “Les Cahiers du Cheval Arabe”: https://www.lescahiersduchevalarabe.com/la-recherche-genetique-au-service-du-pur-sang-arabe-de-course.html

Published article in “Jour de Galop” ,  the French Purebred Arabian #70 – may 2020: http://www.jourdegalop.com/Account/Download-fpa/2020/_/FPA70_MAI20.pdf/122239

Published article in “Granada Digital”:

Published article in “Europa Press”:

Contact us

For more information or to purchase any of our services, do not hesitate to call us, write an email or fill out our contact form. We will reply as soon as possible.

+34 673 000 981


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